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One more paper is accepted!
发布者: admin 发布时间:2016-04-16
Today, an article titled "Dynamics of a coupled spin vortex pair in dipolar spinor Bose-Einstein condensates" whose authors are Tiantian Li, Su Yi* and Yunbo Zhang+, is accepted by Phys. Rev. A magazine. Congratulations! Abstract: The collisional and magnetic field quench dynamics of a coupled spin-vortex pair in dipolar spinor Bose-Einstein condensates in a double well potential are numerically investigated in the mean field theory. Upon a sudden release of the potential barrier the two layers of condensates collide with each other in the trap center with the chirality of the vortex pair exchanged after each collision, showing the typical signature of in-phase collision for the parallel spin vortex phase, and out-ofphase collision for the antiparallel phase. When quenching the transverse magnetic field, the vortex center in the single-layered condensate starts to make a helical motion with oval-shaped trajectories and the displacement of the center position is found to exhibit a damped simple harmonic oscillation with an intrinsic frequency and damping rate. The oscillation mode of the spin vortex pair may be tuned by the initial magnetic field and the height of the Gaussian barrier, e.g. the gyrotropic motions for parallel spin vortex pair are out of sync with each other in the two layers, while those for the antiparallel pair exhibit a double-helix-structure with the vortex centers moving opposite to each other with the same amplitude.
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