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Subscription to Matt's Arxiv Selction emails
发布者: admin技术支持 发布时间:2010-03-21
BackgroundThis web page is provided as a resource for researchers in the field of quantum and atom optics. As you are probably aware, every day new papers in the area are posted in the electronic archives available at, mostly in the cond-mat, quant-ph, and physics sections. There is a significant volume of postings every day which take quite some time to sift through.Seeing as I do this everyday, I now collate the titles and abstracts of the papers that are of interest to my colleagues and I and send a summary email each week to anyone that is interested. I am now making this collection available to anyone that would like to sign up. SummaryThe weekly mailing will mostly occur on Mondays, and will contain all selected papers from the past week of postings to cond-mat, quant-ph, and physics archives. I try to pick up all new and replaced theoretical and experimental papers relevant to ultra-cold Bose and Fermi gases, as well as some in the area of quantum optics. This selection may have a tendency to be biased by my own interests, for which I apologise in advance but there isn't much I can do about that!How to subscribeSend a email to:
subscribe matts_arXiv
If that proves too much for you, send me an email (which is listed on my home page) and I can add you to the list manually.Past postingAn archive of my weekly postings can be found here.Matthew Davis, 30th January 2006. |
© 2004-2010 CAT@Shanxi University |